Résumé / Abstract Journal-club_Galaxies

Séminaire/Seminar Galaxies

« Quenching and stripping of galaxies in the cosmic web »

Yannick Bahe

The cosmic web evidently influences the formation and evolution of galaxies, but much remains to be understood about the physical origin of this connection. I will discuss work based on hydrodynamic simulations to investigate the impact of the cosmic web environment on galaxies in two prominent settings: its dense nodes, i.e. galaxy clusters, and the more tenuous filaments between them. For galaxies in clusters, ram pressure-driven star formation quenching commences even before their accretion, accompanied by compaction of their remaining star forming activity. In contrast, tidal stripping of stars is much less significant although it does lead to the buildup of an extended halo of intra-cluster light and, through rare cases of complete disruption, that of the central brightest cluster galaxy. In contrast, the predicted influence of filaments on galaxies is more subtle.
Thursday 29 February 2024 - 11:30
Salle des séminaires Évry Schatzman
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
Page web du séminaire / Seminar's webpage